It's Chip Jam season, folks! We're hosting another friendly competition for chiptuners where you can test your mettle against one another to see who can compose the best tune!
This Chip Jam's theme is Fitness! Our server mascot, Tia, is getting in shape for the hyperwar, and she needs your help to do it. Together, we're going to make a chiptune playlist for her (and maybe us too) to get absolutely jacked to.
There will be two categories for this Jam: Originals and Covers. In the Originals Category, you can compose an original work that you'd find fit to work out to. Maybe an 80's power ballad inspired tune for your training montage, or some heavy metal inspired beats to powerlift to, or perhaps something calming for a nice bit of yoga? Go wild with the prompt! The Covers Category is just as it says: cover a song that you'd work out to!
We also have an art contest going on! Draw your best pixely (or non pixely) gym art for the jam, and the winner will be made the cover art on our Bandcamp!
- Song MUST be chiptune or chiptune-adjacent.
- Defining what is and isn’t chiptune is impossible; if you can make a decent argument for why your track counts as chiptune, we will allow it.
- Collabs are allowed in groups of up to 4 people.
- Only one song per category.
- If you do a collab with somebody, that counts as your one song for that category.
- Song must be submitted in .wav format
- Songs in the Orignals Category MUST be your own original creations.
- Plagiarism is not tolerated in this community. If you are found to have plagiarized someone’s work in a Chip Jam entry, you will be banned from our Discord server and blacklisted from participating in any future Chip Jams.
- You may not submit any previously finished tracks to this Jam. WIPs that have not been released are fair game.
- You may NOT put a song in our Discord server's #WIP-feedback channel for critiques, nor any other Chiptune discord's feedback channels. You may ask people privately for critiques and opinions.
- Tracks MUST be submitted by 11:59 PM, April 30th, 2023
- The Baker Island Clause is in effect: if it is still April 30th in any time zone across the world, you may submit your track even if the date has already rolled over for you.
How to Submit:
Once you are finished with your track, go to the submission form linked below and fill it out. Don’t forget to attach your song!
If you are submitting to the art contest, use the form below:
If for whatever reason you need to resubmit a track or remove your track from the competition, you can get in contact with us by emailing or by DMing Drake on Discord (Agent Smith#2330). DMs will likely get your problem resolved quicker because Drake is a foolish, stinky man and, as a result, forgets to check the CC email as often as he should.
Good luck, and happy composing!